Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Whistler weekend

We had a super weekend at the Whistler Children's Art Festival. Unfortunately Bruce had to work... last minute schedule change. The girls and I stayed with friends and did the festival both Sat and Sun. Saw Charlotte Diamond. Coco was on stage shaking a maraca. Did many crafts and saw a wonderful circus act.

Also went swimming. Whistler has a wonderful pool. And to an outdoor water park. Again amazing.

It was a hot weekend.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Love love love the UBC Farmer's market

Every Saturday. It is like going to the country except it is only a 7 minute drive away. Seriously. We don't really even buy much. We see the chickens. We walk around. We eat bread and jam then go home. You can see from the pictures that it really is gorgeous. Here's the link.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Outdoor finger/feet painting... the best :-)

Another beautiful sunny Vancouver day. Set the girls up in the backyard with some finger painting which ended up being feet painting. See our tent in the background? 

Clean up was fun too when I filled the kitchen sinks with water. They loved the novelty.

I remember when Coco was a baby I always put her in the sink but I don't do that so much with Hazel.

Happy sunny summer to everyone out there.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I can't take it anymore!

Stop making such a mess guys. It is super annoying.