Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We laughed.

Today we were sitting in the big red chair, just hanging out. Hazel said "Coco, get a book." To which Coco replied, "Hazel, I don't work for you." We laughed so hard.

Then Hazel asked, "Where's daddy?". To which I replied, "Daddy's at work". Then Coco added "Daddy's at poo poo" then Hazel added, "Daddy's at fart". We laughed some more.

No shortage of "poo" and "fart" comments around here these days.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The dress...

I was feeling flush so I splurged on a Lili Gaufrette dress for Coco. Of course Hazel will wear it too. Then it will go to consignment, which is where I have been buying most of the girl's things lately. Skates, rain jackets, rubber boots, ballet slippers, tutus, etc. The dress is lovely. The picture does not do it justice. You just need to touch the soft cotton fabric to really appreciate this made in France garment.

Sunny days

We had an amazing morning walking around Granville Island then had a picnic lunch by the duck pond. Love, love, love Granville Island.

Coco singing...

I am hoping this little video I took of Coco and Sally (the dog) singing at her "Musical Expressions" class works out. Here goes...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Baptism invite

I am so excited as Coco and Hazel were friends of choice for our twin neighbours' baptism. They are 2 very sweet 5 yr old girls who we see a lot of. They and their 7 year old brother are getting baptised in June. Each child gets to invite 3 friends. Now I am wracking my brain for baptism gifts. Any suggestions.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hazel loves to wear wacky things like rubber crocodile boots with a pretty pink butterfly dress. She also loves body paint with the help of Coco. The other day Coco wrote with markers all over Hazel's back.

Hazel is also a smart alec. She used to say "Sari Coco" (for sorry) then it was "Sari Coco Prentice" and now itis "Sari Coco Poo Poo".

Jericho Sailing Club Galley

Love the restaurant at Jericho Sailing Club. We had burgers then walked along the beach. Perfect weather though a little windy. Coco loved dipping her feet into the ocean.

Pjama Day at Gymnastics

Coco got to wear her pj's to gymnastics this week and take her favorite stuffy. She took Sally, a pink poodle who lives in a little purse. It was the smallest stuffy there. Thanks Liz for picking the perfect gift!

Fabulous cook

Here's Bruce with a mouth-watering frittata creation, one of his many wonderful concoctions in the kitchen.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Reducing plastic

This company makes eco-refills... http://www.naturecleanliving.com

Plus their products are better for the environment. NO ANTIBACTERIAL SOAPS HERE. THEY ARE EVIL AND APPARENTLY, DO NOT EVEN WORK. They are extremely harmful to marine life.

I also recently learned that a lot of kids PJ's have flame retardents (by law) but snug fitting ones may not (check the labal). I am searching out some merino wool pjs for a good winter option.