Friday, October 29, 2010

Letter to Santa

One week before Halloween and Coco has already written her letter to Santa. I love this time of year because anything the kids want (they always want something) can be a gift from Santa. They soon forget.

We were at Opus and Coco saw these Elmer glue glazes, all shiny and sparkly. "Ask Santa". So she has.


New jackets

Searched a few "lost and founds" and did not find Hazel's jacket. They are sad and scary boxes, with mouldy, wet hats and gloves, dirty hoodies and even sadder, beautiful winter jackets. At least ours was well worn, bitten and fixed many times over at the collar. Coco went through a biting-jacket-collar phase.

I had trudged the kids around to a few consignment stores, falling short on warm coats or even affordable, stylish ones. So, I went to Superstore Main Street.

Voila. Done. And now, we are going to find the lost one. Murphy's Law.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How do these things happen?!

Seems I have LOST Hazel's winter jacket, a pink, puffy hand-me-down from Coco. I am wracking my brain. Left at the skating rink? Seems the only explanation as it hasn't been winter jacket weather until today really. Anyway, it is super ANNOYING!

Plus, I can not find a navy and white Gap summer dress that Coco was wearing. A really cool find at our local consignment store. Where that went missing, I have NO idea.

Please universe, do not let me loose more things... for a long while anyway.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Busy week!

With the 2 year old in preschool and the 5 year old in Kindergarten, I thought I'd have some free time. It hasn't really worked out that way. I do 2 duty days a month at the preschool and have had lots of family visits this Fall. I can't complain though, I go to the gym one day a week and yoga one day on the weekend. It is busy, busy, busy!

This week looks like this...

Monday: Duty Day at Preschool
Tuesday: Gym
Wed: Help at preschool with Halloween Party
Thurs: Morning skate with 2 year old
Friday: Volunteer at Kindergarten

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Crib has left the house...

I love craigslist. Just sold the crib within 24 hours. Got $200.

A few weeks ago I sold all the cloth diapers.

Watch out... we are on a selling roll over here. Hang on to your tooth brushes.