Sunday, January 30, 2011

crazy messy

Days go by and I just can't find the time or more aptly, make the time, to clean the girl's room. That is when toys get stacked upon toys. Laundry on the bed needs folding too! For those craving a visual, this is what it looks like.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dirty dozen ingredients to avoid in your cosmetics

I found this link to be very helpful. Luckily Choices is near my house and they are very knowledgable about and carry generally non-toxic cosmetics, shampoos, etc.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Science World

Coco was thrilled today to be a volunteer on stage at Science World doing a static electricity chain.

gotta love body science talk

Mommy: We should trim your hair. It could just use a little trim.

Coco: No. I can do what I want to do with my own body. You control your body. I want to grow my hair as long as Rapunsel.

And thank you to the movie "Tangled"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Two talented rapper/hip hoppers

This video defies description. So I'll just let it speak for itself.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We're on a roll over here...

Just recycled 2 queen size mattresses that had seen better days. Bruce arranged - yeah Bruce.
Just listed a stroller and rolling bed frame on craigslist so they should be gone in 2 - 3 days.
Gave away the washing machine that needed fixing. Yeah Bruce for arranging.

Tomorrow I am listing a double futon frame that is cluttering the laundry room and our mec kids hiking backpack.

I have a few hand me downs for a very sweet baby girl that will be dropped off next month.

January is starting with a bang!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Missing Key to Satisfaction: Effort

Another good blog...

Just skimmed his posts but plan to read them very soon.

Simple Living

I am currently exploring a long held belief (by some) that more happiness is derived from experiences rather than material goods.

This article even argues that you should book your Caribbean Cruise well in advance so you can really savour the experience. Last minute deals just don't have the same effect.

The NY Times' article talks about this blogger....

She tries to live with only 100 possessions. I'd love to be that minimalistic!

We are listing a few things on craigslist... mec baby backpack, double futon frame, metal rolling bed frame.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year

Bruce took some wonderful pics at the 12 dishes, a Ukranian celebration for Christmas Eve.