Sunday, March 27, 2011

What we're reading...

ME, ALL ALONE AT THE END OF THE WORLD. By M.T. Anderson, Illustrated by Kevin Hawkes
- The message in this book is truly great and very simple. I just loved it and I think Coco got it. Who needs Constantine Shimmer's Galvano-Magical End of the World Tours. Fun all the time!" when you have nature. Will definitely be tracking down more books by this author.

MY PENGUIN OSBERT By Elizabeth Cody Kimmel, illustrated by H.B. Lewis
- I loved the writing in this book. Top notch illustrations.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What we're reading...

STAND TALL MOLLY LOU MELON by Patty Lovell, illustrated by David Gatrow.
* adorable little girl who gets some excellent advice from her Grandma and stands up to a bully

by Simon James
* Love the illustrations!

By Liesel Muak Skorpen, illustrated by Jow Cepeda
* came recommended from a friend. it really is a good one on relationships, poignant ending

We are searching for My Many Colored Days, another recommendation

Friday, March 18, 2011

Went to the COSTCO in Richmond the other day. It was shocking. They have way more stuff than the one in downtown Vancouver. But what was really bizarre was the massive jar of "Dried Pork Fluff" from Taiwan. It sounds kinda not appetizing and believe me it looked really unconsumable. I am now wondering what it is used for and if I have consumed it before, unknowingly.

Hazel's music class at West Point Grey Community Center is over. It was an okay class but no one really sang except me and the teacher. I knew a lot fo the songs but I'm English speaking so that helps. The teacher didn't give out song sheets which could have been beneficial. I recommend Music Together because you get CDs of the music and singing is encouraged.

Spring break!

We're on Spring Break! Two weeks. We are hoping to do a lot so we'll see what happens. Plans so far are a trip to the Vancouver Art Gallery, two skating lessons to go, one ballet lesson and a trip to the UBC Botanical Gardens.
Lindsay Coulter writes a great column for the Metro News. I have a question for her on recycling VHS tapes so I've been checking her column. Came across this interesting column on formaldehyde in no-iron shirts. I sort of knew there was something wrong with them (and no iron sheets). This confirms it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Great speaker

H does parent participation preschool (there are actually four near us! ) and what is great (which I didn't think I would like) is the speakers. Every month at our meetings a speaker comes in to talk about preschool children.

This month we had the author of the book "It's Not A Plot To Drive You Crazy".

She suggested creating a badge for your child to wear that reads "I Dressed Myself Today" if your child's weird colour combination choices drive you crazy.

She says "Parenting is about building a fantastic relationship with your child". Very true.

She says if your kids are fighting you can say "You've shown me that you can't play well together" so you can discipline them with a separation until they are ready to get along. She says "timeouts" don't work as there is no discipline. It is just a punishment. She is very big on discipline. You could also say something like "You've shown me that today is not a good day for crayons" if he/she was writing on the wall or something. Then take the crayons away until the next day.

She also suggests putting a sign on your fridge that says "In this family we are kind and gentle" and having a meeting to discuss this then pointing to sign for reference when things go wrong. We often say to the girls "In this family we share", which seems to work often.

She says don't put "okays" and "alrights" at the end of sentences (a thing we can do sometimes) as it sounds like the child gets a choice. When you think about, this one is very true!

Use eye contact for POSITIVE MESSAGES. Your child needs attention so they will fill their "bucket" up however they can get it.

She also says children (esp 2 year olds) are not naughty. They are just exploring their world.