Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Sometimes, like today, Coco likes to put on ALL her jewelry and wear her trousers backwards.


Bruce said he'd send me on a weekend trip for my birthday which was a total cool surprise. He's so awesome. My birthday is end of September. I thought it would be fun to train really hard and do the very gruelling Melissa's 10 km Road Race in Banff again. I was about 21 the last time I did it - with a bunch of rowing buddies.

Too bad the race is already sold out for September 2010! Will have to plan well in advance for 2011.

So I am welcoming suggestions for something to do or somewhere to go for my birthday.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

She's growing up...

Ah, the defiance has kicked into full gear. All part of growing up.

Today at Hazel's Arts Umbrella class, she boldly crossed her arms, squinted her eyes, and bellowed "No" when I politely asked her to put on her art smock. There were tears when I started packing up the snack. I finally managed to steer her over to the bench and table and she participated. Gone are the days of sweet gurgles and easy manipulation.

Later in the afternoon, after much cajolery, Hazel put on a bizarre mish mash of clothes to go to Coco's skating lesson. A skirt, pink tights, green froggy rubber boots, two hoodies in a layered look. She announced "I'm different". Bruce and I piped in at the exact same time "Do you mean, I'm difficult?"

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Hazel's first art project from our "mom and me" art class at Arts Umbrella. It's a daffodil. Very expressionistic.

Pig tails

Love it!

Cool eggs

We had fun dying and decorating Easter eggs. Hazel dropped 2 eggs.

Monday, March 22, 2010


It is Spring. The bugs are back. Coco has a wood bug named Kathleen living in a liitle plastic box (with air holes) in her room.

Friday, March 19, 2010

It is a mystery

Coco says we need a detective or a scientist to solve the mystery of why Hazel won't wear any underwear after she takes off her diaper.

cool word of the day

I was reading an article in which an investor said... " I'm not investing to become a big spender. If anything, I kind of abhor much of the profligacy that I see around me." So I looked it up...

profligate |ˈpräfligət; -ləˌgāt|

recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources : profligate consumers of energy.
• licentious; dissolute : he succumbed to drink and a profligate lifestyle.

a licentious, dissolute person.

profligacy |ˈpräfligəsē| noun
profligately adverb

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

using up my yoga

I have 3 yoga classes left to use up before March 26. Will I do it?

Friday, March 5, 2010


Can't wait for the Paralympics to start as the Art Gallery will be free. Looks like the Mint will be open soI can take the kids to touch the metals (apparently lineup was 5 hours during the Olympics). Also, read that the UBC Botanical Gardens will be free.

Went downtown today... all the USA Olympic gear is 50% off. Canadian gear is not on sale yet but London Drugs has 50% off Olympic souvenirs if you want a key chain or tea towel.

The Bay had lots of merchanise so I imagine it will go on sale at some point. Supply and demand.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back in town

We escaped the City for 9 days during the Olympics. At first I was a little disappointed... we had no choice as I rented the house for the Olympics... but after being in the City for the first few days of this event, I realised that it was not a small children friendly event. The crowds at the free venues were massive. There were lineups to get in everywhere and small children don't really care. We were on Granville Island and all my girls wanted to do was see the ducks.

Had a fab time with my family in Edmonton and even skated for free 4 times.