Tuesday, March 30, 2010

She's growing up...

Ah, the defiance has kicked into full gear. All part of growing up.

Today at Hazel's Arts Umbrella class, she boldly crossed her arms, squinted her eyes, and bellowed "No" when I politely asked her to put on her art smock. There were tears when I started packing up the snack. I finally managed to steer her over to the bench and table and she participated. Gone are the days of sweet gurgles and easy manipulation.

Later in the afternoon, after much cajolery, Hazel put on a bizarre mish mash of clothes to go to Coco's skating lesson. A skirt, pink tights, green froggy rubber boots, two hoodies in a layered look. She announced "I'm different". Bruce and I piped in at the exact same time "Do you mean, I'm difficult?"

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