Saturday, July 3, 2010

We can breathe a sigh of relief...

Hazel is 2 1/2 years old now. She doesn't put small toys in her mouth... usually.

However the other day, she must have had an urge to feel the smooth texture of a shiny glass marble type rock (the girls refer to this rock as their "globe" and they have three) against the inside of her mouth. The rock was in her mouth. She swallowed it.

That's right! It is round about the size of a quarter and as thick in the widest part as about 1 mm. She scared herself. She cried.

I googled "My kid swallowed a marble". We surmised she would likely poo it out. Not as bad as swallowing a pointy object. Hopefully surgery would not be required.

Two days later, she did poo it out. We are very happy. It is now in the garbage!

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