Monday, June 29, 2009

One of those days...

The power was out on Broadway and in my neighbourhood for 3 or 4 hours today. I came home from the park and had no solid plan for dinner. My standby, toast, with a few peas on the side was not happening. So we had strawberries, yogurt, and cut up veggies... cucumber, carrot and yellow pepper. Actually read the popcorn package and it had fibre, protein, and iron. 

Hazel was very, very tired as she woke up on the transfer from the car to bed earlier today. So her nap was short. 30 mins or so.

I decided to put her to bed a 1/2 hour early. She was "tired crying" in the bedroom while Coco was yelling at her imaginary friends in the living room. Then silence on both fronts. I guess Coco and her friends came to an understanding. Hazel just zonked out.

Coco went to sleep a half hour later.

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