Thursday, June 25, 2009


"Resilience begins with the capacity to sustain disappointment, to feel sadness, to accept the futility of wishing that we can ultimately control the course of events. It means adapting to circumstances that we cannot change."

Basically we need to have an inner core of self-esteem to be resilient.

I am interested in this topic as it pertains to raising my two daughters.

I am finding now that Coco is starting to want things more and more, particularly something a friend has (ie a kiddie camera, Barbie doll). I don't want her to measure herself against what other kids have. 

As her birthday is in August, I am telling her to write these things down that she really wants. It seems to change daily so we'll see what she wants closer to the date.

Also, working on nurturing her talents and relationships with people. 

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