Saturday, October 31, 2009

that day

Coco asked, "Is tomorrow that day people stay at home and don't know what to do?"

She was asking about Sunday.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Office clean up

When I can tear myself away from facebook, I am planning to clean my home office. Will post pics soon. It has seriously become a dumping ground for everything that won't fit in my 750 square feet main floor of house.


Last night Hazel woke up at 3:30 am screaming "ack, ack". I suggested she go back to sleep. She continued demand "ack, ack, ack". This is Hazel's way of saying "snack" but she can't pronounce the "s" so well.

I got up and brought her some milk and stringy cheese. She ate and drank and then went back to sleep. She didn't wake up until 7:30 am which is great for her.

The previous night she awoke at 5:00 am.

Was talking to a friend and she said her whole day is focused on "filling them up and tiring them out". It is so true.

Come to think of it, Lucky may have eaten Hazel's arrow root cookie snack the night before the "ack" attack.

On a completely different note, Coco won't sleep in her room again because she is scared of owls.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

this week...

so far this week has been pretty productive with checking items off the "list"...
1) washing machine finally got fixed!
2) tenants said they would stay until january
3) engergy audit scheduled for tomorrow
4) discovered that i could use magical powers to turn the CD player off. coco has been totally absorbed in a book on cd about cattle rustlers. she wouldn't get ready to go to gymnastics so i turned the power bar off. she thinks it is broken. tricky, i know but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. will have to rethink when she learns about electricity.
5) almost ready to book cuba after much research.

hope you had a good week too!

Monday, October 5, 2009

It is official...

I've become one of those bloggers. A fireworks show perhaps... I started with a bang and now. Nothing. Nada. I think about posts but then at the end of the day, I don't set aside the time to write them.

Here is what has been happening in my life lately...

1. My washing machine broke down and is waiting for a new part. This is a brand new machine under warranty. Bad luck I guess.

2. Fireplace needed a new thermastat. Apparently they only last 5 - 10 years.

3. Bruce is working LONG hours on some absurd movie called the A Team. We are lucky to see him 1 day a week.

4. The cat is half living outside and half living in the basement room. Does anyone want a cat? Seriously I want to find a new home for the cat.

5. I am half way through a painting class at Emily Carr. My 4 hours of "me" time every week.

6. Kids activities are going well. Skating, Art, Spanish, Gymnastics, Lyceum.

7. Lucky is well, Lucky. She gets us out of the house, rain or shine.

8. Wondering about a trip to someplace warm in Jan or Feb. At any rate, the house is rented out for 10 days over the Olympics so we have to go away for that portion.

9. About to start looking for a new basement tenant as the people are going to France. It is a lovely 1 bedroom near ish to UBC.

10. Got to run and get the kids ready for bedtime. Goodnight.