Monday, October 5, 2009

It is official...

I've become one of those bloggers. A fireworks show perhaps... I started with a bang and now. Nothing. Nada. I think about posts but then at the end of the day, I don't set aside the time to write them.

Here is what has been happening in my life lately...

1. My washing machine broke down and is waiting for a new part. This is a brand new machine under warranty. Bad luck I guess.

2. Fireplace needed a new thermastat. Apparently they only last 5 - 10 years.

3. Bruce is working LONG hours on some absurd movie called the A Team. We are lucky to see him 1 day a week.

4. The cat is half living outside and half living in the basement room. Does anyone want a cat? Seriously I want to find a new home for the cat.

5. I am half way through a painting class at Emily Carr. My 4 hours of "me" time every week.

6. Kids activities are going well. Skating, Art, Spanish, Gymnastics, Lyceum.

7. Lucky is well, Lucky. She gets us out of the house, rain or shine.

8. Wondering about a trip to someplace warm in Jan or Feb. At any rate, the house is rented out for 10 days over the Olympics so we have to go away for that portion.

9. About to start looking for a new basement tenant as the people are going to France. It is a lovely 1 bedroom near ish to UBC.

10. Got to run and get the kids ready for bedtime. Goodnight.

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