Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Last night Hazel woke up at 3:30 am screaming "ack, ack". I suggested she go back to sleep. She continued demand "ack, ack, ack". This is Hazel's way of saying "snack" but she can't pronounce the "s" so well.

I got up and brought her some milk and stringy cheese. She ate and drank and then went back to sleep. She didn't wake up until 7:30 am which is great for her.

The previous night she awoke at 5:00 am.

Was talking to a friend and she said her whole day is focused on "filling them up and tiring them out". It is so true.

Come to think of it, Lucky may have eaten Hazel's arrow root cookie snack the night before the "ack" attack.

On a completely different note, Coco won't sleep in her room again because she is scared of owls.

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