Friday, November 20, 2009


If I see one more Vancouverite wearing a Lululemon rain coat, I am going to buy shares in the company. Seriously. And I believe they are breaking into the tween market with a yoga store on 4th where Oquoquo used to be. Unfortunately most of the stuff is made in China.

Hazel says "Rain, rain,go away".

Coco says "Rain, rain, only come in the night time".

Lucky says "Where are all my friends who called to walk me at the beach on hot, sunny days. The beach is still fun on rainy days -unless you're toting 1 whiny 4 year old".

I say "Would someone please invent the self-cleaning gutter!" I'll have to talk to Bob across the street. He's a semi-retired engineer and might be up to the challenge.

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