Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lots of stuff happening...

The cherry blossoms are out in full force.

Bruce made our deck low maintenance so hopefully this will be the last time, for a while, that he'll have to spend time on it. Old design required lifted the boards off to clean under the deck twice a year. New design just needs sweeping of the leaves.

Hazel said "yuck, that's disgusting" about onions or something and then later, "I'm eating a booger" which really is disgusting.

Coco's new thing is "I need more research books" and "I'm feeling guilty". A new concept which a 4 year old doesn't quite get. We aren't Catholic either. She just heard this word and is trying it out in relation to her neck injury, which possibly resulted from head butting with Kieren or just sleeping on it funny.

We saw a marvelous play today called 'A Year With Frog and Toad". I bought tickets back in November to the preview show. It is a musical. Hazel had a chair but sat on my lap, as the chair was folding her up. Anyway, she didn't move for the entire 55 min. play and clapped at the appropriate times. She's 2 years, 4 months. I wasn't sure if she was ready for live theatre but obviously she is! Coco and Bruce loved it too.

will post pics later.

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