Saturday, April 17, 2010

This kid at the park...

There is this kid at my local park. I've seen him there twice with his nanny. The first time he threw a metal car and hit my 4 year old in the head. The second time, he would not stop walking in front of the swings and then proceeded to violently rip the hair out of my dog when he "pet" her. His nanny was wonderful. "No gentle", she said. And luckily my dog is super or I wouldn't bring her to the park in the first place. I showed him the proper way to pet a dog but he just did not get it. The boy was around 2 I'm guessing.

I think he may have been autistic or something. I only say that as I was recently at a birthday party where there was an autistic child. The parents had to monitor that kid all party. He was very hyper and inappropriate behaviour. At first, I thought he was just an active kid then later my friend explained.

So all this leads me to say... When you are at the park, you need to watch your own kids but you also have to keep an eye on other kids too.

This little boy may pulled Hazel off the thing she was climbing. I'll never know, but his behaviour leads me to believe that he is capable of doing it.

I appreciate any thoughts on this touchy subject. Anyone had any similar experiences?

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