Sunday, May 1, 2011


Never would have guessed there were this many addidtives...

"Based on the anecdotal information I see in my client's food journals, people eating processed and packaged foods are taking in exorbitant amounts of artificial ingredients and additives. Typically, a client will say something like, "I eat a bowl of cereal with low-fat milk, have yogurt for a snack, and a Subway sandwich for lunch." While this sounds relatively harmless, here's what it might actually look like based on some popular "health food" items:

One serving of Kellogg's Fiber Plus Antioxidants Berry Yogurt Crunch contains more than 13 different additives, preservatives, and food dyes, including Red 40 and Blue 1, which are known to cause allergic reactions in some people and mutations leading to cancer in lab animals. It also contains BHT, monoglycerides, and cellulose gum. In addition, conventional milk often contains residues of artificial bovine growth hormones, known endocrine disruptors as well as antibiotics used in industrial milk production.

Dannon Light & Fit Peach yogurt contains more than 11 different additives including Red 40, aspartame, potassium sorbate, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium.

A Subway sandwich of turkey and cheese on nine-grain bread with fat-free honey mustard, peppers, and pickles contains more than 40 different additives, preservatives, and dyes. The pickles and peppers have yellow 5 and polysorbate 80, the bread has ten different additives including dough conditioners, DATEM, and sodium stearoyl lactylate, and the turkey contains ten additives as well.

The person in this example has consumed more than 60 food additives eating breakfast, a small snack, and lunch alone, to say nothing of dinner, dessert, further snacking and drinks. Consumers Union's Dr. Hansen told me, "I wouldn't be surprised if it were up to 100 additives or more that people are taking in on a daily basis.""

Monday, April 25, 2011

What we're reading...

DOG LOVES BOOKS by Louise Yates

THE PENCIL by Allan Ahlberg and Bruce Ingman

Monday, April 18, 2011

Recycling VHS tapes

Here is a great article in Metro News from a great column by Queen of Green, Lindsay Coulter. I actually wrote in with this question. No, I haven't moved to Port Moody. Not sure why she thought I lived there as I had said "Vancouver". Anyhow, here is the scoop:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our current favorite author...

mls addict

When I have more important things to do, like my taxes, I love to browse on mls. We could be living in a mansion near Burnaby Lake for just over 1 million. It seems like a lot of money to someone in Leduc, AB or Halifax, Nova Scotia but if you saw what neighbour's house looks like and she sold it for 1. 255 you will understand my disbelief. A part of me thinks, sell your shack and upgrade. You'll still be living by water. It won't be the ocean but lakes are nice too. Then I think, of gawd, how long would it take to clean a house that is 4,408 sqft? How much additional furniture and things would I need to aquire to fill that vacuous space. Imagine all the DUSTING! I could just see Coco sitting in her room, listening to "How To Train Your Dragon" on CD (It is awesome!) for hours on end and I wouldn't see her all day. Hazel would be off in the west wing, trying on everything in her closet and I would be dusting in the east wing. Weird.

Very interesting

I love politics but I think I might love psychology more and definitely sociology.

I thought it was pretty fascinating that everyone forgot that Premiere Gordon Campbell was a convicted DRUNK DRIVER and voted him in for one more term.

This taken from wikipedia "In January 2003, Campbell was arrested and pled no contest for driving under the influence of alcohol while vacationing in Hawaii. According to court records Campbell's blood-alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit. In Hawaii, drunk driving is only a misdeamour, in Canada it is a Criminal Code offence. As is customary in the United States, Campbell's mugshot was provided to the media by Hawaiian police. The image has proved to be a lasting personal embarrassment, frequently used by detractors and opponents. Campbell was fined $913 (US) and the court ordered him to take part in a substance abuse program, and to be assessed for alcoholism. A national anti-drinking and driving group, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Canada called for Campbell to resign."

Now we are having another election in Canada and everyone has really forgotten about the sponsorship scandal under the Liberals. Basically, advertising agencies supporting the Liberal Party received grossly inflated commissions for their services. We spent a lot of money on a commission to basically ascertain that advertising agencies supporting the Liberal Party received grossly inflated commissions for their services. I guess to say the Liberal party is corrupt is a very controversial thing. That was then, this is now.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunday = Birthday party

Bizarrely we just got invited to another Sunday afternoon birthday party which will make 4 in a row for Coco and Hazel was invited to three of them. My friend is doing an echoage party.

Check it out. You donate money to a charity and half goes to the kids birthday gift which they pick out. No shopping, etc.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What we're reading...

ME, ALL ALONE AT THE END OF THE WORLD. By M.T. Anderson, Illustrated by Kevin Hawkes
- The message in this book is truly great and very simple. I just loved it and I think Coco got it. Who needs Constantine Shimmer's Galvano-Magical End of the World Tours. Fun all the time!" when you have nature. Will definitely be tracking down more books by this author.

MY PENGUIN OSBERT By Elizabeth Cody Kimmel, illustrated by H.B. Lewis
- I loved the writing in this book. Top notch illustrations.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What we're reading...

STAND TALL MOLLY LOU MELON by Patty Lovell, illustrated by David Gatrow.
* adorable little girl who gets some excellent advice from her Grandma and stands up to a bully

by Simon James
* Love the illustrations!

By Liesel Muak Skorpen, illustrated by Jow Cepeda
* came recommended from a friend. it really is a good one on relationships, poignant ending

We are searching for My Many Colored Days, another recommendation

Friday, March 18, 2011

Went to the COSTCO in Richmond the other day. It was shocking. They have way more stuff than the one in downtown Vancouver. But what was really bizarre was the massive jar of "Dried Pork Fluff" from Taiwan. It sounds kinda not appetizing and believe me it looked really unconsumable. I am now wondering what it is used for and if I have consumed it before, unknowingly.

Hazel's music class at West Point Grey Community Center is over. It was an okay class but no one really sang except me and the teacher. I knew a lot fo the songs but I'm English speaking so that helps. The teacher didn't give out song sheets which could have been beneficial. I recommend Music Together because you get CDs of the music and singing is encouraged.

Spring break!

We're on Spring Break! Two weeks. We are hoping to do a lot so we'll see what happens. Plans so far are a trip to the Vancouver Art Gallery, two skating lessons to go, one ballet lesson and a trip to the UBC Botanical Gardens.
Lindsay Coulter writes a great column for the Metro News. I have a question for her on recycling VHS tapes so I've been checking her column. Came across this interesting column on formaldehyde in no-iron shirts. I sort of knew there was something wrong with them (and no iron sheets). This confirms it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Great speaker

H does parent participation preschool (there are actually four near us! ) and what is great (which I didn't think I would like) is the speakers. Every month at our meetings a speaker comes in to talk about preschool children.

This month we had the author of the book "It's Not A Plot To Drive You Crazy".

She suggested creating a badge for your child to wear that reads "I Dressed Myself Today" if your child's weird colour combination choices drive you crazy.

She says "Parenting is about building a fantastic relationship with your child". Very true.

She says if your kids are fighting you can say "You've shown me that you can't play well together" so you can discipline them with a separation until they are ready to get along. She says "timeouts" don't work as there is no discipline. It is just a punishment. She is very big on discipline. You could also say something like "You've shown me that today is not a good day for crayons" if he/she was writing on the wall or something. Then take the crayons away until the next day.

She also suggests putting a sign on your fridge that says "In this family we are kind and gentle" and having a meeting to discuss this then pointing to sign for reference when things go wrong. We often say to the girls "In this family we share", which seems to work often.

She says don't put "okays" and "alrights" at the end of sentences (a thing we can do sometimes) as it sounds like the child gets a choice. When you think about, this one is very true!

Use eye contact for POSITIVE MESSAGES. Your child needs attention so they will fill their "bucket" up however they can get it.

She also says children (esp 2 year olds) are not naughty. They are just exploring their world.

Monday, February 28, 2011

I'd like to try this but...

There is a house a few blocks away that, rumour has it, contains no plastic toys.

The two children play with toys. They just have toys made out of other things such as wood or cotton. Toys you would be proud to pass on to your friend's kids, your nephews, the salvation army, .

Alas, we have My Little Pony and My Little Pet Shop to name a few. The girls like them.

In an ideal world, they too would only have wooden toys and cotton dolls and wool balls. I would have to rip birthday party loot bags out of their hands which I have been tempted to do.

The girls also like their wooden cash register. So I am striving for more natural, less plastic. Can we do it?

Here is a great website for natural toys:

Quick raspberry and banana ice cream

I want to try this recipe:

2 cups frozen raspberries
2 bananas, chopped and frozen
1 cup vanilla pudding (from instant pudding mix)

Place in bowl and food process until smooth.
serve immediately with fresh raspberries.

kale chips

The kids weren't crazy about these but Bruce and I loved them.

Break kale into bite-sized pieces, sprinkle with olive oil and bake for 10 mins at 375 F.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


We are about to be living next to a construction site. Let's just hope the people have some taste. Not like the massive, ugly, lot hogging house across the street. Let's not build a garage and instead make the house massive and barn-like. Hey let's even paint it barn red.

Anyway, enough about the uninspiring renovation across the street. My neighbour sold her house. It went for $67,000 above what she was asking. It is a cute, one story with basement. I like it that way as we get some of the southern light in our kitchen and living room.

I am hoping our new neighbours will build something that is small and cute. Please neighbours. Small is beautiful. Grass is wonderful. Birds like tress. Bees like flowers not glass blocks.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Books we enjoyed recently

LINNEA IN MONET'S GARDEN By Christina Bjork and Lean Anderson
+ Pretty pictures and interesting facts about Monet told as a story

FRANKIE STEIN by Loa M. Schaefer, Illustrated by Kevan Atteberry
+ Loved the pictures and the ending is hysterical

WINNIE FLIES AGAIN by Korky Paul and Valerie Thomas
+ All Winnie books have wonderful pictures and fun stories

THE HOUND FROM THE POUND By Jessica Swaim and Jill McElmurray
+ This story was so cute, especially for dog lovers

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Zuzu pets

Coco chose to buy her friend Audrey a Zuzu pet accessory for her birthday party tomorrow. Are you sure that is what she would like? "Yes! She is really into Zuzu pets." Cringe. I bought it.

At home Coco made this very cool wrapping paper. She has drawn all the pets on the back of the box and printed their names beside them. Very sweet.

We seem to have been invited to a lot of February birthdays - Willa-Marie, Christopher, Amelia, Audrey and Max. The kids love it.

the chart

Coco drew this chart and made up what it is about. She and Hazel get points for doing nice things. For example, Coco gave herself a point for helping Hazel put on her jacket. I gave them a point for being good in the grocery store. When the chart is full, Coco wants to register in a science class. She wants to do Cammy's Science Class at Dunbar again but I was thinking of trying one at Aberthau. In Cammy's class they watch Bill Nye the science guy dvds and do colouring sheets mostly. Coco is really into science these days so hopefully the chart will be full by April 1st when the Spring classes start. Hazel has not decided what her reward will be yet. Probably a donut or candy of some sort. We'll see.

What we're reading.

Ivy and Bean Book 7 - finished
Ivy and Bean Book 6 - we listened to the CD
The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry - we listened to the CD and are going to watch a DVD, a BBC production.

Ivy and Bean Book 5 - on page 40

Next up - James and The Giant Peach.

Just going to check the library site to put a hold on Ivy and Bean book 8. Gotta love the library!

I'm still in love... with craigslist!

The zooper stroller is gone. Confident the double futon frame and the MEC back pack won't be far behind.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I think this is the longest it has ever taken me to get rid of something on craigslist. So I reposted the futon, MEC packpack and Zooper stroller tonight. We found the rain cover for the backpack since the last posting. Bizarrely I could have sold it had we remembered there was a rain cover. Anyway, c'est la vie.

I did donate a lot of clothes and books to a friend who had a baby girl. I also consigned and sold a fancy dress I was pretty sure I would never want to wear again. I am glad someone else is enjoying it.

Always looking to get rid of stuff around here!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Growth-mindset kids

"You have to apply yourself each day to becoming a little better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each and every day over a period of time, you will become a lot better." as quoted from Coach John Wooden, who led the UCLA basketball to the NCAA Championship 10 times.

"To create growth-mindset kids, we need to repeatedly communicate: "I expect effort; I do NOT expect achievement." quoted from Christine Carter, happiness expert.

Do things because you enjoy doing them, learn something and become a better person rather than doing things solely because you are going to win and be the best.

what we're reading

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Little Girls Can Be Mean - Four Steps to Bully-Proof Girls in the Early Grades by Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert

Up Next:

Book 3 in the Ivy & Bean Series

Queen Bees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman

Sunday, January 30, 2011

crazy messy

Days go by and I just can't find the time or more aptly, make the time, to clean the girl's room. That is when toys get stacked upon toys. Laundry on the bed needs folding too! For those craving a visual, this is what it looks like.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dirty dozen ingredients to avoid in your cosmetics

I found this link to be very helpful. Luckily Choices is near my house and they are very knowledgable about and carry generally non-toxic cosmetics, shampoos, etc.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Science World

Coco was thrilled today to be a volunteer on stage at Science World doing a static electricity chain.

gotta love body science talk

Mommy: We should trim your hair. It could just use a little trim.

Coco: No. I can do what I want to do with my own body. You control your body. I want to grow my hair as long as Rapunsel.

And thank you to the movie "Tangled"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Two talented rapper/hip hoppers

This video defies description. So I'll just let it speak for itself.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We're on a roll over here...

Just recycled 2 queen size mattresses that had seen better days. Bruce arranged - yeah Bruce.
Just listed a stroller and rolling bed frame on craigslist so they should be gone in 2 - 3 days.
Gave away the washing machine that needed fixing. Yeah Bruce for arranging.

Tomorrow I am listing a double futon frame that is cluttering the laundry room and our mec kids hiking backpack.

I have a few hand me downs for a very sweet baby girl that will be dropped off next month.

January is starting with a bang!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Missing Key to Satisfaction: Effort

Another good blog...

Just skimmed his posts but plan to read them very soon.

Simple Living

I am currently exploring a long held belief (by some) that more happiness is derived from experiences rather than material goods.

This article even argues that you should book your Caribbean Cruise well in advance so you can really savour the experience. Last minute deals just don't have the same effect.

The NY Times' article talks about this blogger....

She tries to live with only 100 possessions. I'd love to be that minimalistic!

We are listing a few things on craigslist... mec baby backpack, double futon frame, metal rolling bed frame.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year

Bruce took some wonderful pics at the 12 dishes, a Ukranian celebration for Christmas Eve.